Collection: Candy from the 50s | 1950s Candy

1950s Candy was unforgettable!

The swinging ponytails and buzz cuts of the 1950s might not have been as exciting as the weekly sockhops. But one thing that stands out from this era is the enticing taste of 1950s candy!

Made with all the nostalgia of the 50's this retro candy was some of the very best to come into the sweet world of candy!
From the entertaining taste of PEZ candy to the lickable lusciousness of Chupa Chup lollipops, you'll go back to a simpler time with just a taste!
Want to be one of those James Dean-like cool kids? Then, become a candy rebel with some sweet Popeye Candy Sticks!
Feel like getting in touch with your inner hottie? After all, you've never lost it, especially with the taste of Hot Tamales or the sizzling sweetness of the ultimate jawbreaker, an Atomic Fireball!
If you thought the rock n' roll from the 1950s was a rebellious sound, you haven't tried this retro candy!
Get into the sweet swing of things with the unforgettable taste of 1950s Candy!

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