Collection: Candy from the 1920s | 1920s Candy

The roaring 1920s Candy!

Don't let your candy be a bore; make it "roar" with the 1920s candy!
The 1920s ushered in some exciting candy. Gone were the demure days of the Victorian era. 
The roaring 20s brought us dancing flappers, daring bootleggers, and reckless gangsters. Jazz and blues music emerged. These people were risky, fearless, and bold, so of course, the candy could not be boring!
This old fashioned candy was flapper-approved! Introducing us to the chewy candy goodness of the Charleston Chew. This 1920s candy probably fueled many sultry nights on the dance floor!
Or maybe they crunched the night away with Cracker Jacks? Or perhaps indulged in the nutty taste of an Oh! Henry candy bar. 
This was also the introduction to PEZ Candy, Haribo Candy, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, and the juiciest bubble gum that has stood the test of time, Dubble Bubble Gum!
Live on the edge like a gangster, or be a fabulous flapper with the old-fashioned candy of the 1920s!

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